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6 things that we have to consider before buying a bird

6 things that we have to consider before buying a bird

27 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Bird-Blog Hits: 1961 Comment: 0

This is one of the initial questions which you have to answer.

How much space will the bird need?

Larger birds and even some of the small ones are very active physically and need big cages and space in which to play.

Is there any free time for the bird?

Probably this is the most important question. Birds are intelligent,

9 Ways To Protect Our Bird From Illnesses

9 Ways To Protect Our Bird From Illnesses

26 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Bird-Blog Hits: 0 Comment: 0

1.    Good hygiene – regularly clean the bird cage and the appliances in it. The cleaning must be accomplished minimum twice a week . 
2.    We mustn't let our birds have contacts with wild or free – living birds, who are the main carriers of diseases and infections . 
3.    Do not put the bird cage exposed to draughts – the birds can catch a cold ,

African Grey Parrot : One Of The Greatest Species Of Parrots

African Grey Parrot : One Of The Greatest Species Of Parrots

01 Sep / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Bird-Blog Hits: 1695 Comment: 0

The African Grey Parrot scientifically known as Psittacus erithacus. Here are two types of African Greys - the larger Congo (has bright red tail feathers) and smaller Timneh (darker tail feathers). No one really knows when the Grey African Parrot was first found but it said that King Henry VIII had an African grey parrot as a pet. The African Grey Parrot is a large bird that can grow to 12 to 14 inches in length. The Timneh subspecies is a little smaller. Their tails are quite short and they don't have very beautiful colored plumage. But all this is compensated by their intelligence.

Are You Ready for a Pet Bird?

Are You Ready for a Pet Bird?

11 Jan / 2018

Written By: Binita Published In: Bird-Blog Hits: 1070 Comment: 0

Coming home to the enthusiastic greetings of your flock after a long day at work is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Before you add companion birds to your family, though, check these tips and make sure you’re prepared for the leap.
Songbirds and pigeons are intelligent, social animals. (Okay, some people might quibble about the intelligence of some rock pigeons…) The same cleverness and flocking instincts that make them particularly attractive pets are also reflected in some of the difficulties in keeping them healthy.

Aspergillosis In Birds

Aspergillosis In Birds

17 Oct / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Bird-Blog Hits: 3394 Comment: 0

What is aspergillosis and what causes it?
Aspergillosis is a respiratory disease of birds caused by the fungus Aspergillus, which is found almost everywhere in the environment. Aspergillosis fumigatus is the most common species of the fungus to cause disease, although Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, and others can also cause problems. Aspergillus grows readily in warm and moist environments. The microscopic spores of the fungus become airborne, and poor ventilation, poor sanitation, dusty conditions, and close confinement increase the chance of the spores will be inhaled.
Usually, the fungus does not cause disease, however, if a bird does not have a healthy immune system, it can cause illness. Predisposing factors include other illnesses, stress, poor nutrition, poor husbandry or unsanitary conditions, another injury to the respiratory system (e.g.; smoke inhalation), and prolonged use of certain medications such as antibiotics or corticosteroids. The combination of the number of spores in the environment and the presence of predisposing factors determine which birds are most at risk of disease. Aspergillosis appears to be more common in parrots and mynahs than other pet birds.

Behavioral Issues With Pet Birds

Behavioral Issues With Pet Birds

08 Jun / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Bird-Blog Hits: 1176 Comment: 0

Just like children and pets like cats and dogs, parrots and other pet birds sometimes exhibit behavior problems that their caretakers find difficult to deal with. While there are a number of ways that birds can misbehave and irritate the people that they live with, there tend to be a few behavior issues that are more widely reported than others. Thankfully, most of these problems have rather simple solutions if owners put forth a little time and effort. 

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