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All About Your New Pet - Chinchilla!

All About Your New Pet - Chinchilla!

05 Jul / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Other-Blog Hits: 1879 Comment: 0

Chinchillas are crepuscular rodents, slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels. They are native to the Andes mountains and live in colonies called "herds" at high elevations up to 4,270 m (14,000 ft). Chinchillas are popular pets, but require much care. They require a lot of responsibility and should only be purchased by experienced pet owners who are aware of the special care they require. They need extensive exercise and dental care, due to their teeth continually growing all throughout their life span, and since they lack the ability to sweat, temperatures need to be carefully controlled. They should be kept in an environment of 60–70 degrees ºF.

Bad Rabbit Behavior - Some Common Rabbit Problems Addressed.

Bad Rabbit Behavior - Some Common Rabbit Problems Addressed.

15 May / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Other-Blog Hits: 3483 Comment: 0

If you keep rabbits, you probably got them with the intention of enjoying holding, stroking and playing with your cute and cuddly companions, and enjoying watching them go about their often-entertaining daily lives. Rabbits do bond strongly with their owners when correctly handled and cared for, and can make for incredibly rewarding pets for people from all walks of life.
However, as with any other sentient living creature, rabbits do not follow a guidebook to good bunny behavior and etiquette, and you may at some point find that your rabbit is acting out, behaving oddly, or causing a problem within the home.
Fortunately, most rabbit issues have a clear reason or cause behind them, and once you have ascertained what this is, you stand a good chance of tackling the issue.

Bunny's Diet: Is Your Bunny Eating Right?

Bunny's Diet: Is Your Bunny Eating Right?

05 Sep / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Other-Blog Hits: 1227 Comment: 0

The typical diet for a pet rabbit consists of water, hay, pellets, fresh vegetables, and its own cecal pellets. Fruit and other treats are given only in very limited quantities, as they can cause obesity in a rabbit. Rabbits require a constant water supply as they dehydrate quickly. Most sources recommend 80% of the diet should be grass hay. Too many vegetables in a rabbit's diet typically leads to diarrhea and other digestive problems.

Caring For Your Pets

Caring For Your Pets

26 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Other-Blog Hits: 1559 Comment: 0

It is very easy to get attached to pets, so make sure you can care for the pet before getting one. It would be hard to get attached to a pet and then have to give it up because of an unexpected move. or so rule that you were not aware of. Its also important to choose the right pet for you. Consider the life span, and gender of the pet, do you want

Choosing a Pet Rabbit Thats Right For You

Choosing a Pet Rabbit Thats Right For You

25 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Other-Blog Hits: 1460 Comment: 0

Choosing the right rabbit for you and your family can be a very exciting process. There are currently over 40 recognized breeds of rabbits. Many of the breeds have multiple varieties and colors. Rabbits range in size from 2 pounds to over 10 pounds. So the choices are very abundant.Many breeders give different answers regarding the preferred gender.

Deciding on Your New Family Pet

Deciding on Your New Family Pet

21 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Other-Blog Hits: 1724 Comment: 0

Choosing a new pet is an important step in life. It may sound like a small decision, but the type of pet you choose makes a difference. If you don’t do your homework or research, you may wind up with more responsibility or unexpected characteristics than you bargained for.

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