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Choosing a Home for Your Hermit Crab

Choosing a Home for Your Hermit Crab

27 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 1341 Comment: 0

Hermit crabs are a fascinating species of animal to keep as a pet. Like any other pet, a land hermit crab must have the proper care, environment and food in order to not only survive, but to thrive. A very important component of hermit crab pet care is environment. If the hermit crab is not in a safe and healthy environment, it is nearly impossible for a

Choosing New Home For Your Tropical Fish Coral And Invertebrate

Choosing New Home For Your Tropical Fish Coral And Invertebrate

26 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 1253 Comment: 0

All it takes is one glance and the carefree motion of flapping fins entrances us. Fish silently add beauty to every environment and ask for a lot less in comparison to other pets. Of course, choosing the right aquarium in a market flooded with products is enough to make you dizzy. Factoring in location, available space, and base support will make

Common Fish Diseases And Their Symptoms

Common Fish Diseases And Their Symptoms

01 Jan / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 1384 Comment: 0

Like humans and other animals, fish suffer from diseases and parasites. Fish defenses against disease are specific and non-specific. Non-specific defenses include skin and scales, as well as the mucus layer secreted by the epidermis that traps microorganisms and inhibits their growth. Specific defenses are specialized responses to particular pathogens recognized by the fish's body, that is adaptive immune responses.

Did You Added These Tetra Fishes To Your Aquarium?

Did You Added These Tetra Fishes To Your Aquarium?

18 Nov / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 1505 Comment: 0

The neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is a freshwater fish of the characin family (family Characidae) of order Characiformes. The type of species of its genus, it is native to black-water or clear-water, where the water is between 20 and 26 °C (68 and 79 °F). It is not found in the white-water rivers. Its bright coloring makes the fish visible to con-specifics in the dark black-water streams and is also the main reason for its popularity among tropical fish hobbyists.

Different Types of Saltwater Aquariums

Different Types of Saltwater Aquariums

03 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 1359 Comment: 0

Saltwater aquariums should generally contain fewer fish than fresh water tanks, because the species tend to grow bigger in size. Marine species may be bred in a captive environment, or caught in the wild. Captive bred species are easier to care for and usually hardier than caught species. It generates a great amount of stress for a fish to be captured

Discus Fish - King Of Aquarium!

Discus Fish - King Of Aquarium!

09 Mar / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 3594 Comment: 0

The Discus fish is known as the King of the Aquarium. Perhaps the most beautiful of all tropical fish, the Discus fish is also one of the most difficult tropical fish to keep and is not recommended for beginners. Discus requires excellent water conditions, frequent water changes and higher water temperatures than most other tropical fish. Most successful keepers house their Discus in a species only tank because of the high water temperature requirement. There are many color varieties of Discus to choose from with many more being introduced all the time. If you are interested in this fish, be prepared to spend some jack on this one of a kind tropical fish. Many fish keepers will only get the best available foods for this fish. Vitamin enriched flakes and live, frozen and freeze dried foods can be given.

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