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Learn These Problems Now, And You Can Avoid Your Cat Becoming Ill In The Future

Learn These Problems Now, And You Can Avoid Your Cat Becoming Ill In The Future

01 Jun / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 935 Comment: 0

Cats, like any other animal out there, can become sick.  There are several health problems that can affect your cat.  If you have never owned one though you may not realize just what those can be.  Knowing what to look for can protect your pet’s health.

The hairball is probably the most common of them.  Cats will groom themselves and this allows loose hair to come off the pet and end up in the stomachs.  Instead of passing easily, the hair can form a ball within the stomach.  If your cat starts coughing and hacking he may have a hairball that he’s trying to expel.

Nutritional Needs For Cats Changes After The Age Of 11

Nutritional Needs For Cats Changes After The Age Of 11

07 Jan / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1110 Comment: 0

The most popular pet "the cat" lives more than half of its life in the senior years. Although advances in veterinary care, better nutrition and better educated owners have helped improve the quantity and quality of these years, studies reveal that senior cats continue to struggle with weight as the result of reduced activity levels and a steady decline in senses, nutrient absorption and fat digestion.

Online boutiques for pets and pet lovers

Online boutiques for pets and pet lovers

06 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1337 Comment: 0

Nowadays, online pet boutiques are more than meets the eye! And if you are looking for particular things, then take a peek at the stylish designs: some reflect meaningful Feng Shui, Mandala and Celtic symbols. You may also choose from various collections of healing gemstone jewelry, holistic and aromatic products – all especially designed to keep

Persian Cat - The Glamorous Cat Of Cats

Persian Cat - The Glamorous Cat Of Cats

23 Feb / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 5929 Comment: 0

Persian cats are literally the glamour pusses of the feline world. As kittens, they are adorable balls of fluff that seem to almost get lost in all that long fur. As adult cats, they have a regal, slightly snobbish look. However, their personality is anything but uppity. Persian cats are loving and loyal companions that bond strongly with their owners.

Behavioral Traits:
Persians are creatures of habit. They thrive in a stable, secure living environment and are not particularly fond of sudden changes. With gentle and consistent reassurance, they can adapt to boisterous households. Most Persians are meticulous self-groomers. However, they still need their owner's help to maintain their glorious coats, which can be quite a challenge.

Pet Safety At Home What You Should Know

Pet Safety At Home What You Should Know

18 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1120 Comment: 0

Your pet is precious, and like your own family member. Like you it needs to be cared for and protected and, of course, loved unconditionally. It's like a small child, which is curious and can get up to all sorts of mischief. This is why you must maintain pet safety at home.

Read Your Kitty's Body Language - Know Your Kitty More

Read Your Kitty's Body Language - Know Your Kitty More

08 Oct / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1059 Comment: 0

Meow! That is the sound you hear when you meet your cat walking down the doorway. It will move with his head and tail held high, looking directly at your eyes and emitting a faint sound summoning you to follow wherever it goes. That is your cat? Right? The fluffy little mass, whose behavior seems quite odd at times, and leaves you baffling with a variety of questions. 

Have you ever thought that your cat is an aloof creature to you? Then it is because you do not understand it. Your cat is always trying to communicate to you through its gestures and body language, so to know your cat more, you need to know more about the cat’s body language. The sweeping of the tail or rubbing of the cheeks, pricking of the ears or purring under breath - each has a significance of its own. Your cat will often rub its cheeks against you or against the cheeks of another cat. Through this it actually tries to pick up or leave scent markers so that it can again create a future physical contact.

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