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Don't Ever Do These Things to Your Cat

Don't Ever Do These Things to Your Cat

08 Feb / 2018

Written By: Binita Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 4510 Comment: 0

With a cat or two around the house, even the most dedicated pet parent may slack off and take Kitty’s presence for granted. Even the simplest oversight may have big consequences on your cat’s well being and quality of life. Here are 8 things you should NEVER do to your fave feline.

Skip Flea or Heart-worm Treatment
Your cat stays indoors and rarely comes in contact with other animals. Why bother with a flea and heart-worm preventive for an indoor cat? Believe it or not, fleas and the mosquitoes that carry heart-worms can easily enter your home and cause big problems for cats. You may walk fleas into your home after visiting a friend with a dog or cat, and mosquitoes can zip through a door or window that is left open for just a few seconds. With plenty of products available, keeping your cat free of fleas and heart-worms has never been easier. (Not-so-fun-fact: There is no good way to get rid of heart-worms in cats, and infections can be fatal.)

Exercise for Cats

Exercise for Cats

05 Feb / 2018

Written By: Binita Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1100 Comment: 0

Dog owners have lots of options for exercising their pets. But if you’re a cat owner, you know that there are fewer options for keeping your pet in the peak of condition.
But it’s important that cats get exercise. There are many health problems associated with obesity in cats, just as there are for dogs. And if you own a cat, there’s a pretty good chance that your cat really needs some exercise. About 1 out of every 3 cats in is overweight.

Time for some kitty calisthenics!
Experts recommend that you engage your cat in some form of physical play for 10 or 15 minutes several times each day. The ease with which you can do that will depend upon your cat’s age and temperament. Younger cats tend to be more playful than older cats, and some cats just have more of a playful nature than others.

Here are some tips for helping your cat get some playful exercise.

Feline Asthma

Feline Asthma

02 Sep / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1289 Comment: 0

Feline Asthma is very common in cats and can effect cats of all ages. There are a lot of factors that can cause asthma in cats, just the same as in a human; cold, damp, mould environment, cigarette smoke, city smog, even certain types of cat litter etc.

Diagnosing your cat can be very hard as symptoms can range from raspy deep breathing to full on asthma attacks. Your veterinarian will be able to determine feline asthma by a few simple tests and x-rays.

Good Cat Care Means A Happy Cat

Good Cat Care Means A Happy Cat

11 Mar / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1152 Comment: 0

Cat care is the most important part of keeping your cat healthy and happy. The more you know about cat care, the better you will be able to meet your feline’s physical and emotional needs. The stronger your cat’s health and the better your cat’s attitude is, the more you will be able to enjoy your cat’s unique personality. Good cat care will make your cat more affectionate, and can dramatically reduce any behavior problems that your cat may be displaying. If you want a richer and fuller relationship with your cat, try improving your cat care.

Got A Cat As A Pet? Here Is How To Keep Them Healthy…

Got A Cat As A Pet? Here Is How To Keep Them Healthy…

30 Mar / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1053 Comment: 0

Our pet cats are often as close to us as members of our family. In fact, they virtually are members of our family! That’s why cat owners should know as much as they can about cat health. Here are the major things to know about caring for your pet cat in a loving way:

Grooming: Long-haired cats should be groomed regularly for optimum cat health. Use a pet brush and groom no less frequently than once a week.

Groom Your Cat To Avoid Hairballs - Kitty Will Love You For It

Groom Your Cat To Avoid Hairballs - Kitty Will Love You For It

22 Nov / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1064 Comment: 0

As loving cat owners we hate to think that our beloved pets are feeling unwell. That can be the first impression when your cat starts making hacking noises. Usually this is the first signs of the cat trying to get rid of a hairball.

If you see a blob of disgusting stuff on your floor, it is likely to be a hairball.  Cats need to do this in order to remove hair from within their stomachs to keep them from getting sick. What is it?  It’s a mass of hair and probably some food from the inside of a cat’s body.  When a cat grooms himself, he removes loose hair from throughout his body and it ends up in his stomach. Sometimes, the hair comes together and forms a ball in there.  If he can not pass it, it is likely it won’t break down but will come up instead.

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