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Caring for Cats the easy way

Caring for Cats the easy way

25 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1498 Comment: 0

You will need a great deal of commitment in order to own a cat as they do require some care (although not as much as dogs!) and can live as old as 15 years (or even longer in some cases).

Cats require feeding (daily), care and ‘play time’ on a regular basis. You will also have to take into consideration, before getting your cat, that you will have vets’

Cat As A New Member In Your Home

Cat As A New Member In Your Home

22 Apr / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1215 Comment: 0

Buying a cat is a big decision. Do you have time to look after her? Is your home or apartment suitable for a cat? Are there any health issues you need to think about, and are your family members ready for a new addition to the family? Find out from someone who has plenty experience.

Are you thinking that you would like to purchase a cat?  If so, you may want to take a few minutes to find out if you are in fact good cat owner material.  Finding out that the beautiful cat isn’t for you is something that you don’t want to have to do once you bring him home.

Cat Beds

Cat Beds

26 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1426 Comment: 0

Cats spend a lot of their time sleeping so a comfortable bed is very important.  Cats like to be very comfortable when they are sleeping so getting them a cat bed that will keep them warm is a good ideas.  Heated cat beds can be found right here, with a click of your mouse.

If you are looking for a more traditional cat bed then why not consider a wicker cat bed.

Cat Care 101 Keeping Your Cat Healthy and Your Home Clean

Cat Care 101 Keeping Your Cat Healthy and Your Home Clean

20 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 892 Comment: 0

There's no question that our cats are full-fledged family members.Their loyalty, their love,and their ability to comfort us are unparalleled.Sometimes, though,their hair or odors can leave an unwelcome footprint in our homes.Just as we clean up the spills made by our kids (or our spouses!),

Cat Carriers For Safety

Cat Carriers For Safety

09 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1428 Comment: 0

While some people may consider it cruel to cage up your cat it's actually a matter of safety for both you and your cat. For example if you were driving and your cat suddenly jumped on to you,or it got trapped underneath your feet and the brake this could cause a serious accident.Pets can sometimes be unpredictable and for reasons

Cat Claw Survival Solutions To The Rescue

Cat Claw Survival Solutions To The Rescue

20 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1018 Comment: 0

Cats can be ill tempered and mean on their worst days, but even the most annoying problems have a remedy somewhere.If your cat is clawing your furniture, your carpet and your legs with the same ferocity,understanding the how and why behind the behavior can help you redirect

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