Filter Blogs By tag: pets

Rodents That Make Good Pets

Rodents That Make Good Pets

29 Nov / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Other-Blog Hits: 1734 Comment: 0

Many rodents are kept as household pets, but some have better pet potential than others. Explore some of the most commonly kept rodents and decide if one of these fascinating creatures might be the right companion for you.

Rhinotracheitis In Cats

Rhinotracheitis In Cats

19 Jul / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1245 Comment: 0

Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) is an upper respiratory or pulmonary infection of cats caused by feline herpesvirus 1, of the family Herpesviridae. It is also commonly referred to as feline influenza, feline coryza, and feline pneumonia but, as these terms describe other very distinct collections of respiratory symptoms, they are misnomers for the condition. Viral respiratory diseases in cats can be serious, especially in catteries and kennels. Causing one-half of the respiratory diseases in cats,[1] FVR is the most important of these diseases and is found worldwide. The other important cause of feline respiratory disease is feline calicivirus.

Reef Tank Lighting

Reef Tank Lighting

17 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 1404 Comment: 0

Reef Tank lighting is one of the most important aspects of reef keeping and undoubtedly the most discussed debated and disagreed about too!
Proper lighting intensity is essential for the corals to carry out the process of photosynthesis,the process through which they create energy needed to survive and grow.

Raw Feed Are You Joking

Raw Feed Are You Joking

14 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Dog-Blog Hits: 692 Comment: 0

Let's think about this for a minute: God did not design our animals to eat pre-packaged, kibble or pellet-like food. In the wild, dogs don't tell each other, "Hey, I'm hungry, let's go to the pet food store and grab us some lunch." As if!
No, together, they go out and hunt down their food, then dig right in while it's still warm.

Puppies just for you

Puppies just for you

17 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Dog-Blog Hits: 771 Comment: 0

We can all agree that we have come to rely on Internet technology for a wide variety of things. Visiting online pet stores can help us find the dog we always dreamt of owning. We can browse an extensive selection of accessories, including kennels and cages, plus a wide variety of pet supplies.

Positive Dog Training Techniques

Positive Dog Training Techniques

14 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Dog-Blog Hits: 675 Comment: 0

There are many different dog training techniques that are out there today. Many people often don't realize that dog training courses often utilize different dog training techniques.Some of these dog training techniques work better than others.

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