Filter Blogs By tag: pets

Your Kitty Will Love You More, When You Follow This Guide To Feline Feeding

Your Kitty Will Love You More, When You Follow This Guide To Feline Feeding

02 Apr / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1634 Comment: 0

You can take the easy option and throw some discount cat feed into a bowl for your feline friend, but will she remain your friend for long if you don't give a bit more thought into what you feed her? Here is some advice that will have her purring with delight at feeding time, and keep her healthy at the same time.

In order to keep your cat or kitten healthy, you need to choose quality foods that will provide him with nutrients he needs.  But, what are they?  You can’t just give your cat any type of food that is available.  There are several things you should do to improve your cat’s nutrition.

Your Dogs Shedding and Bald Spots

Your Dogs Shedding and Bald Spots

18 Jun / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Dog-Blog Hits: 1788 Comment: 0

If your dog sheds a lot it does not necessarily denote ill health. Dogs that spend a lot of their time indoors are exposed to electric lights and central heat and air which can throw off their normal shedding schedule that nature built in. However, profuse shedding may have other causes like an unbalanced diet, a kidney or bladder infection or a parasitic ailment.

If your dog is shedding leads to bald spots, you should seek help from your veterinarian as soon as possible. All severe shedding conditions are either parasitic or non-parasitic. Parasitic means caused by parasites such as mites or fleas. Non-parasitic means conditions created by a hormonal imbalance and or poor diet, which can easily be treated with vitamins and a more controlled diet.

Your Cat First Vet Visit

Your Cat First Vet Visit

14 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1824 Comment: 0

So you've got a new cat, and she needs a checkup. On your first vet visit, your vet will take the lead and give you some basic information, and probably will go through a fairly standard routine.
Upwards of 90% of the information you need, however, will be based on the questions that you ask your vet.

Would You Know What To Do If Your Puppy Or Dog Fell Ill?

Would You Know What To Do If Your Puppy Or Dog Fell Ill?

10 Jun / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Dog-Blog Hits: 1607 Comment: 0

A pet relies on its owner to look after it. Sometimes a veterinarian is too far away when your puppy needs immediate attention. Would you be able to administer basic first aid if you needed to?
It is up to you to be able to administer the first aid that your pet needs when he needs it. Something can happen at virtually any time at home or away from home.  You should have with you a first aid kit that is designed for your pet in mind.  If you take your pet away from home frequently, make sure to store the first aid kit in your car as well. These tools can save your pet’s life.

Why Own a Nor folk Terrier Dog as Pet

Why Own a Nor folk Terrier Dog as Pet

09 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Dog-Blog Hits: 2039 Comment: 0

If you are planning to get a Norfolk terrier pet dog, here are some things you should know:
The Norfolk terrier originated from England.It is actually very affectionate and does not exhibit a disagreeable nature. Because of this,many people like to keep them as pets. However,there can be quite some difficulty house training a Norfolk terrier pet dog.

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