Filter Blogs By tag: infections

Why Is My Cat Vomiting?

Why Is My Cat Vomiting?

21 Dec / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1315 Comment: 0

Most cats vomit occasionally, so how do you know when to worry? This depends on whether the cat is otherwise well or has health problem causing her to vomit. Clear as mud?
Look at it this way. Occasional vomiting can be normal. For example, when a feral cat goes hunting, she gobbles down the kill extra quick before another cat steals it. She digests what she can, and then vomits back the indigestible bits like fur or feather. This is normal, and Mother Nature’s way of keeping her healthy.

There is an argument which says pet cats, just like feral cats, are designed to vomit from time to time. For a lap cat this might be triggered by a hairball, when hair rubbing the stomach lining triggers the vomiting reflex and up it pops onto the lounge room carpet. This is an example of a ‘happy’ vomiter doing as nature intended with nothing much to worry about.

Skin Problems In Cats; Common Causes And Treatment

Skin Problems In Cats; Common Causes And Treatment

16 Jan / 2018

Written By: Binita Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 911 Comment: 0

What percentage of a cat’s waking time does she spend grooming?
a. 10%
b. 50%
c. 60 %

The answer is around (b) 50 % of her time, when awake. (Cats take sleeping to professional levels, with 16 to 20 hours out of every 24 spent napping). Grooming keeps a cat’s coat clean and odor free, which for hunting makes fur the equivalent of an invisibility cloak. But grooming also plays a major part in keeping her skin healthy. One thing’s for sure, if your cat has sore or scabby skin, get her seen by a vet. Skin disease is a strong sign that something is wrong, be that with the skin itself or as a complication of another problem.

Skin Disease as a Complication:
When a cat’s fur becomes dull and starry, it’s a fair bet that she’s not grooming properly. That matted fur may be an important clue that’s she poorly and doesn’t feel up to washing today.

Seizures In Dogs

Seizures In Dogs

21 Sep / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Dog-Blog Hits: 1008 Comment: 0

Watching your dog have a fit is alarming for any pet parent. But what many people don’t realize is that seizures in dogs are a symptom, rather than a diagnosis in itself. To control seizures in dogs it’s important to get your dog checked by a vet to search for the cause. For some dogs this means their seizures stop when the underlying health problem is diagnosed and treated. However, for many dogs no cause is found, in which case they have ‘idiopathic seizures’, also known as epilepsy, and anti-convulsant therapy is required.

Reasons - Scratching  And Itching In Dogs..

Reasons - Scratching And Itching In Dogs..

06 Feb / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Dog-Blog Hits: 1202 Comment: 0

Itching and scratching in dogs is a nothing short of a nightmare for pet owners. It can keep the owners up all night, driving them crazy. If it can be so painful for the pet owners, then just think how the dog must be suffering. All the dog does the entire day is itch and scratch, bite and lick leading to a complicated and aggravating situation if not attended to at the earliest. If your dog is itchy and scratching all the time, it is important to find out the cause of the itch. This can be quite difficult.

Caring For Your Dog In Winter

Caring For Your Dog In Winter

06 Nov / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Dog-Blog Hits: 913 Comment: 0

Winters are around the corner and there will be sudden and steep drop in temperature, resulting in many dogs getting fever, allergies, runny nose and other complications. During this season, there is less of sun and the dogs mostly prefer to stay at home, resulting in higher chances of allergic and yeast infections. However, there are ways you can keep your dog’s healthy and reduce chances of them getting sick by taking few precautions.

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