Filter Blogs By tag: cat food

Your New Cat Why Are the First 24 Hours So Important

Your New Cat Why Are the First 24 Hours So Important

01 Jul / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1688 Comment: 0

Animal Shelters are quite aware of adoption in haste. Many cats are returned accompanied by reasons such as, "This cat just didn't work out, can I look at another?", or "The cat doesn't like us. He hides in the closet all the time." Inadequate preparation of the new home and psychological preparation of the new owner are at the heart of the problem.

What If Your Kitty Is Stubborn??

What If Your Kitty Is Stubborn??

20 May / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1175 Comment: 0

Learning cat behaviors before you start training them would be an good idea for anyone that is going to train a cat's behavior. 
A cat can jump and land on its feet as this is a natural instinct for a cat. When a kitten is born the cushion in its paws are not developed with the cushion to land on its feet. It takes about 7 weeks to develop the cushion in a kittens paw for landing. A cats bone structure is unique to other animals as the bones are flexible, cats have no collar bone, which enables them to twist and bend their bones.  A cat can jump a great distance without sustaining any injuries.  With this behavior, you will want to teach the cat to jump hoops, sticks, or off the scratching tree. Letting a cat jump from extreme heights will cause injury to the cat.

Veggies For Your Pets

Veggies For Your Pets

30 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Dog-Blog Hits: 1482 Comment: 0
Vegetables in your dog’s diet, and minor amounts in your cat’s diet, can enhance their health and provide a rich and diverse supply of nutrients, enzymes, healthy fibre and antioxidants. In the wild, dogs and cats would have acquired plant foods through the semi-digested remnants in the stomachs of their prey; vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
Hypnotherapy To Quit Smoking Helps Your Pets Too

Hypnotherapy To Quit Smoking Helps Your Pets Too

29 Jul / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Other-Blog Hits: 2454 Comment: 0

Are you a smoker? Need an incentive to stop smoking? Have you got pets?
Then that much loved pet is your incentive to renounce smoking and Hypnotherapy can help! Researchers have revealed that pets are affected by passive smoking or in other words second-hand smoke. Cats exposed to cigarette smoke are more likely to have feline lymphoma than those that live in healthier environment.

Cat Mailboxes Can Mean So Much

Cat Mailboxes Can Mean So Much

27 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Cat-Blog Hits: 1976 Comment: 0

We love our cats. Throughout the centuries, Cats have been revered, even worshipped. They can be our cuddly friends or fearsome hunters. Through it all, they are our beloved pets. For some, coming through the door at the end of a long day, being greeted by a furry feline it the best part of the day. Our cats love us unconditionally; we can do no wrong with them.

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