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A Beginners Guide To A Clean And Healthy Aquarium

A Beginners Guide To A Clean And Healthy Aquarium

25 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 1739 Comment: 0

A clean aquarium is the best habitat for all kinds of fish or other living organisms . A clean aquarium means your fish and plants will live for a longer time saving you time and allowing you to enjoy watching them grow. The best way to keep an aquarium clean is to have all the proper equipment and use it often to clean with. It is also a mater of know how.

Aquarium Care For Freshwater Fish

Aquarium Care For Freshwater Fish

19 Sep / 2017

Written By: Binita Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 1250 Comment: 0

Freshwater fish are perhaps the easiest fish to care for in comparison to saltwater species because they are usually harder fish.  A basic aquarium set up will be required. You will need a tank, some rocks or substrate to line bottom of the tank. You will also need a filter and some lighting. When choosing fish, it is imperative to make sure the fish are compatible.Not only do they need to be compatible for water temperature and P.H., but they also should have similar food requirements. Try to keep the fish relatively the same size. It has been said that if a fish is small enough to fit in another fishes mouth, that is usually where it ends up. So don't be discouraged if this happens. Even fish that have been housed together for several months have been known to disappear on occasion.

Aquarium Fish Health: Dealing With Cotton Mouth Disease (Mouth Fungus)

Aquarium Fish Health: Dealing With Cotton Mouth Disease (Mouth Fungus)

13 Oct / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 5613 Comment: 0

Cottonmouth (also referred to as Mouth Fungus and Columnaris) is a symptom of disease in fish which results from an infection caused by the Gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped bacterium Flavobacterium columnare. It was previously known as Bacillus columnaris, Chondrococcus columnaris, Cytophaga columnaris and Flexibacter columnaris. The bacteria are ubiquitous in fresh water, and cultured fish reared in ponds or raceways are the primary concern – with disease most prevalent in air temperatures above 12–14 °C. It is often mistaken for a fungal infection. The disease is highly contagious and the outcome is often fatal. It is not zoonotic. Cotton Mouth disease is not as common as the while spot disease, but, it is highly infectious and contagious.

Basics Of Flower Horn Fish Keeping

Basics Of Flower Horn Fish Keeping

29 Feb / 2016

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 5181 Comment: 0

Flower horn cichlids are ornamental aquarium fish noted for their vivid colors and the distinctively shaped heads for which they are named. Their head protuberance, or kok, is formally termed a "nuchal hump." Like blood parrot cichlids, they are man-made hybrids that do not exist in nature. They are now kept by fish hobbyists worldwide.

Like most tropical fish, flower horn thrives in temperature between 20-30°C. Ideal or recommended temperature will be around 28-31°C.

Breeding Livebearers Guppies and Swordtails

Breeding Livebearers Guppies and Swordtails

29 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 1718 Comment: 0

Equipment Needed:

Breeder Box or Breeder Net
Breeding Grass
5 or 10 gallon tank for the baby fish or a tank divider that you can use for your main tank.
A pair - 1 female and 1 male

Two of the more popular tropical fish for beginners has to be Guppies and Swordtails.  Guppies and Swordtails are livebearers which means that their babies come out swimming. 

Choose An Aquarium For The Kids

Choose An Aquarium For The Kids

26 Jun / 2015

Written By: text_none_author Published In: Fish-Blog Hits: 1601 Comment: 0

The chances are high that as long as you have kids they will continue to ask for new things, better things, and more entertaining things. They will ask for the latest toys, electronics, and games. At some point they will ask for expensive clothes, cell phones and cars. Probably most kids will ask for a pet at least once during their childhood years.

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